Gauteng Toilet Rentals: Comprehensive Solutions from Purplehut

Looking for Gauteng toilet rentals that are reliable, affordable, and cater to your specific needs? Look no further than Purplehut Toilet Hire! We offer a diverse range of sanitation solutions, ensuring a clean and comfortable experience for any event, project, or situation in Gauteng.

Exceptional Service

Our dedicated team is committed to exceeding your expectations, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.

Competitive Rates

We offer affordable options to fit your budget.


We offer various rental periods and configurations to meet your specific needs.

Portable Toilet Hire

Purplehut Toilet Hire offers a wide range of portable toilets to suit any event, project, or need in Gauteng. Whether you're planning a small gathering, a large festival, or a construction project, we have the perfect option for you. Choose from:

Shower Hire

Purplehut Toilet Hire understands the importance of staying clean and refreshed, especially during events or projects where access to permanent showers might be limited. Our mobile shower trailers offer a comfortable and convenient solution:

Urinals & Handwashing Stations

Purplehut Toilet Hire offers portable urinals and handwashing stations, essential for maintaining hygiene and convenience in various settings. These units are ideal for:

Fridge Hire

Whether you're hosting a backyard barbecue, a corporate event, or any other gathering, Purplehut Toilet Hire has you covered with our reliable fridge hire service. Our fridges are:

Disabled Toilet Hire

Purplehut Toilet Hire is committed to providing accessible sanitation solutions for everyone. We offer a range of portable toilets designed specifically for individuals with disabilities:

By offering disabled toilet rentals, you can ensure that your event is inclusive and accessible to all guests.

Septic Tank Pumping

Septic tank pumping is essential for maintaining a healthy and functional septic system. Purplehut Toilet Hire offers professional and reliable septic tank pumping services in Gauteng. Our experienced technicians will:

We offer a variety of rental periods and delivery options
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